Why is this man in pain?

In our latest campaign, our hero is held back every step of the way by his criminal record. He’s late for work because he’s riding his bike. And there’s a reason that agonized expression looks so real…

That ball and chain is heavy. It’s an antique relic that we bought from a prop shop in Vancouver. The rust is real, the clasp is thick, and the ridges keep it from rolling. It weighs about 30 lb, and our actor had to ride a bike, lumber up stairs, and shamble through Gastown with that thing around his leg. Despite armouring himself in bubble wrap, it really did a number on his ankle. And who said acting was easy?

Come see the real ball and chain in our Vancouver office. Don’t worry if you lock it. We have the key.

Keep an eye out for the ads on buses in Vancouver, on the LCD screens at Skytrains, Facebook, and on SportsNet, The Comedy Channel, W, and APTN across Canada.

It pays to be kind.

You work hard. You know your job. You go above and beyond every day. Now, those little extras can make you money. Introducing the PSC Affiliate program. You send us business and we’ll reward you for it. Call it a finder’s fee. Call it a lead. You’ll be amazed at the extra money you can make.

The Pardon Services Canada Affiliate Program

The PSCaffiliates.ca program is better than a referrals system. We’ve set up a way to reward you with almost no paperwork or hassle. For every client you send us, we’ll send you a cheque. $50. $100. If the clients pile up, so do the commissions, and they come in the mail every month.

To get registered, simply sign up online at PSCaffiliates.ca

Pardon Services Canada is now on Twitter

You can read our latest postings here:

Pardon Services Canada Twitter.