Uneasy with Finder’s Fees? Be Charitable Instead.

We offer a 10% Finders Fee to anyone who refers business our way. We’ve even set up a system to effectively track all of the sales we make, through you, on our program called Haalsa.

Click here to see more about our Referral Rewards Program.

However, some people are not comfortable taking cash for referrals. In some professions, kickbacks are not kosher. No problem, we are more than happy to donate your commission to the charity of your choice.

Just ask us about some of the options available.


If you’ve seen Guy Ritchie’s latest gangster flick on DVD there is a scene where our two unlikely heroes attempt to buy some property, but are unable to get a line of credit, due to their criminal records. As a result they end up at the mercy of a nefarious mobster.

Ah, if only they had pardoned their records first.

On Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an integral part of our justice system. It is the reason pardons exist in the first place. Even our own law enforcement is not immune to indescretions. Here is a quote taken from the Vancouver police regarding the Dziekanski tasering incident.

“{Everyone} makes mistakes. It is very important, therefore, that we acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.”

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