Record Checks - On The Rise

Record checks in the province of British Columbia have doubled in 2009 from year prior figures.

As referenced in the Province Newspaper, Checks are mandatory for everyone from teachers and doctors to nurses, chiropractors, dentists, optometrists and physical and massage therapists.

With the extraordinary increase, it's wise to ensure your record has been removed.

Pardon Services Canada has been discreetly removing records for Canadians for over 20 years. We are the seasoned professionals, the only ones with whom you should trust with your future.

Link to article in The Province

Uneasy with Finder’s Fees? Be Charitable Instead.

We offer a 10% Finders Fee to anyone who refers business our way. We’ve even set up a system to effectively track all of the sales we make, through you, on our program called Haalsa.

Click here to see more about our Referral Rewards Program.

However, some people are not comfortable taking cash for referrals. In some professions, kickbacks are not kosher. No problem, we are more than happy to donate your commission to the charity of your choice.

Just ask us about some of the options available.


If you’ve seen Guy Ritchie’s latest gangster flick on DVD there is a scene where our two unlikely heroes attempt to buy some property, but are unable to get a line of credit, due to their criminal records. As a result they end up at the mercy of a nefarious mobster.

Ah, if only they had pardoned their records first.

On Forgiveness

Forgiveness is an integral part of our justice system. It is the reason pardons exist in the first place. Even our own law enforcement is not immune to indescretions. Here is a quote taken from the Vancouver police regarding the Dziekanski tasering incident.

“{Everyone} makes mistakes. It is very important, therefore, that we acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.”

We are on Twitter!

Follow our daily updates on Twitter.

Pardon Services Canada Twitter

We will keep you up-to-date about the latest news and information regarding pardons, waivers and criminal records. Sometimes we will even offer promotions and special deals, so be sure to sign up as well.

Stringent Border Controls

The US government has made it more difficult than ever to cross the border. No longer will a Driver’s Licence or Identity Card suffice. Now, everyone crossing the border must have a passport or equivalent. For those who have been crossing the border with a record, this could spell the end of the free pass, and translate into greater likelihood in getting caught.

Before applying for a passport, it is best to get your criminal record cleared up. With a pardon, your previous record will not show up on any databases or files, even those of customs or the police. Remove your record today, before it’s too late.

Why is this man in pain?

In our latest campaign, our hero is held back every step of the way by his criminal record. He’s late for work because he’s riding his bike. And there’s a reason that agonized expression looks so real…

That ball and chain is heavy. It’s an antique relic that we bought from a prop shop in Vancouver. The rust is real, the clasp is thick, and the ridges keep it from rolling. It weighs about 30 lb, and our actor had to ride a bike, lumber up stairs, and shamble through Gastown with that thing around his leg. Despite armouring himself in bubble wrap, it really did a number on his ankle. And who said acting was easy?

Come see the real ball and chain in our Vancouver office. Don’t worry if you lock it. We have the key.

Keep an eye out for the ads on buses in Vancouver, on the LCD screens at Skytrains, Facebook, and on SportsNet, The Comedy Channel, W, and APTN across Canada.

It pays to be kind.

You work hard. You know your job. You go above and beyond every day. Now, those little extras can make you money. Introducing the PSC Affiliate program. You send us business and we’ll reward you for it. Call it a finder’s fee. Call it a lead. You’ll be amazed at the extra money you can make.

The Pardon Services Canada Affiliate Program

The program is better than a referrals system. We’ve set up a way to reward you with almost no paperwork or hassle. For every client you send us, we’ll send you a cheque. $50. $100. If the clients pile up, so do the commissions, and they come in the mail every month.

To get registered, simply sign up online at

Pardon Services Canada is now on Twitter

You can read our latest postings here:

Pardon Services Canada Twitter.

Your Secret is Not Safe in B.C.

If you ignore your past, it doesn’t just go away.

This is what thousands of workers in Quebec have discovered.

Many have lost their jobs, their promotions, and their opportunity to be re-hired. Many of them, don’t even know why.

In Quebec, criminal records have been made publically available, so your boss, spouse, potential employers, and even your children can check up on you in a matter of minutes.

And now, it has spread to B.C. as well.

Through the website, you can look up anyone online to see if they have a criminal record.

There has never been a better time to makes sure that your record is removed once and for all, and that the skeletons in your closet are carefully, and permanently exhumed.

Pardon Services Canada has been removing records for over 20 years. We know the business inside and out. Don’t take any chances when your future is involved and there are so many prying eyes about. Get it done right, the first time.

Criminal Record Check Scam on Craigslist

There was a scam in the news last night where a man claimed he could do a background check on your criminal record. He was advertising this supposed service through Craigslist. He took the cash and ran.

The man was eventually caught by RCMP and forced to return some of the money. They were adamant in stating that only the police are able to conduct criminal record checks.

This is true. While the police handle the background checks, we can coordinate the services for you. This was not the case with the Craigslist scammer. Be very careful with whom you trust regarding your past.

Don’t leave your freedom in just anyone’s hands. Only Pardon Services Canada has 20 years of experience dealing with criminal records. We are the ones you can trust when it comes to handling your past with discretion.

Traveling with a Criminal Record 2

Numerous Canadians have traveled abroad with a criminal record and have not experienced any trouble resulting from their record(s). Unfortunately, this can often lead to a false sense of security regarding the risk of traveling with a criminal record. Virtually all countries of the world have various laws prohibiting or discouraging entry with a criminal history, with certain exceptions made for certain offences.

Outside of the United States, no other countries have negotiated access to CPIC, Canada's federally managed criminal record repository. For this reason, these countries do not typically take an interest in checking on short term visitors. The process to check on visitors through their embassy being rather burdensome. As a rule of thumb, if a traveler is entering the country for less than a month, they will not have their background checked.

However, in those rare cases that a traveler is checked, the consequences of having a record can be devastating, often way beyond what one would expect for simply traveling with, say, a 20+ year old criminal record.

Take the case of a recent unfortunate Canadian man from Maple Ridge, British Columbia. On an all inclusive vacation to Mexico in early 2008, he was involved in a minor altercation in a Mexican night club frequented by both tourists and locals. After the Mexican police looked into the man's file in Canada, and found a criminal history, he was arrested and detained, pending an investigation. Despite his innocence of any crime (at least not serious), he remains in Mexican prison to this day, having yet to even appear before a judge. His family is desperately trying to free him, but in the mean time, they pay several hundred dollars a month just to keep him alive. Such is the fate of numerous Canadians and other foreigners in many South American countries, where the support payments are coveted. People with criminal records are often the subject of discrimination here in Canada, but when overseas, the problem and consequence is multiplied many fold.

Considering the risk, it is always advisable to clear your criminal record with a Pardon before any foreign trip.